We all know losing weight can be a challenge. At the core of it, one of the most common paths to success is the balance between calories IN versus calories OUT. But what happens when you’re exercising, you’re eating well, you’re calorie counting and you’re still not losing weight? Chances are it could be a sign that something else is going on.
Common causes of weight gain can be as simple as too much stress, not getting enough sleep, the effects of medication or food allergies and inflammation. In some cases, it can be related to hormonal imbalances or undiagnosed health issues.
Most women come to accept that during their Menopausal years they will deal with hot flushes, mood swings, loss of libido and the inevitable weight gain. These symptoms most commonly occur due to hormonal imbalance – a key reason why many women resort to Hormone Replacement Therapy to help them get through. As a women’s levels of oestrogen lower, the body starts to show these symptoms, however Hormone Replacement Therapy can also bring with it a huge array of side effects such as bloating, breast tenderness and hot flushes. According to WEBMD.COM some treatments may also increase a patients’ chance of heart and liver disease, blood clots and in some cases, cancers.
Royal Jelly is known to support oestrogenic activity. According to a study published in the US Library of Medicine on the ‘Estrogenic Activities of Fatty Acids and a Sterol Isolated from Royal Jelly’:
“Phytoestrogens [contained in Royal Jelly] are similar to mammalian estrogens both structurally and functionally, and are considered to prevent menopausal symptoms”
Royal Jelly is a gentle alternative, sourced from hardworking bees who create this potent and powerful superfood to feed the Queen Bee in the hive. In clinical trials, scientists administered either Royal Jelly or a placebo to 42 women, achieving great results. The women taking Royal Jelly noticed a significant reduction in all symptoms from neck pain and stiffness to lower back pain, headaches and a vast reduction in anxiety – often a trigger for weight gain. The scientists wrote ‘we presume that [Royal Jelly’s] estrogenic activity could play an important role.’
Type 2 diabetes is on the increase around the world and scientists believe this is attributed to
- excess body fat
- high blood pressure or cholesterol
- having a close family member with the condition
- a history of gestational diabetes
- higher age
As obesity has become more prevalent over the past few decades, so too has the rate of type 2 diabetes. According to Medical News Today, in 2013 more than 1 in 3 people in the U.S. were considered to be obese and sadly, this number is on the increase.
Type 2 diabetes is very different from Type 1. Type 1 diabetes is in fact classified as an autoimmune condition, resulting the pancreas no longer being able to produce Insulin. There is no known cure for Type 1 diabetes and this condition requires daily monitoring of blood sugar levels and insulin injections to keep a person well.
Type 2 diabetes is very different. Health professionals often consider Type to be a ‘lifestyle disease’ – a result of obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, financial challenges, access to adequate healthcare and education as well as years of eating high amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and processed foods. If there is a history of obesity and Type 2 diabetes in your family, chances are – genetically – you may also be predisposed to this condition as well.
A real challenge with Type 2 diabetes is that it can happen as a result of obesity and on the flip side, once you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2, it can be hard to lose weight as juggling sugar levels and medication can take their toll on your hormone production as well. According to Medical News Today, Insulin causes weight gain when the cells absorb too much glucose and the body converts this into fat. Although insulin (required for those who need medication to control their blood sugars) helps regulate their glucose levels, it also promotes fat storage in the body. This essentially becomes a vicious cycle.
That’s where Royal Jelly has shown great promise to help support those struggling with fluctuations in their blood sugars which, once balanced, may be able to help those with Type 2 diabetes find balance and help them on their weight loss journey.
In a study conducted in 2014, 50 women with Type 2 diabetes were administered either Royal Jelly or a placebo to see if it could help stabilize their blood sugar levels. According to the trial published on the US National Library of Medicine, after Royal Jelly supplementation, the mean fasting blood glucose levels decreased remarkably.
The conclusion: ‘On the basis of our findings, it seems that Royal Jelly supplementation may be beneficial in controlling diabetes outcomes.’
This provides great news and hope for those struggling, both with their weight, and type 2 diabetes.
Gut health
The gut is often referred to as ‘the second brain’. It controls and supports many of the processes that are central to our health and it’s also the home to a large portion of bacteria that supports our immune system.
If you’re struggling with symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), bloating, brain fog, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation and unexplained weight gain, this could be a sign that you may be struggling with gut dysbiosis, leaky gut or an imbalance in gut flora. Over time through malabsorption of nutrients, irritation of the gut lining or sensitivities to GMO foods or food allergies, this can create inflammation in the body which may also result in what some people describe as ‘unexplained weight gain’.

Registered Naturopath Lynette Hill from My Remedy comments ‘Health practitioners often hear that their clients ‘eat well’ but can’t understand why they can’t control their weight. Often it’s the types of foods they eat that may not work with their unique genetic makeup, the effects of stress, not taking time to ‘rest and digest’ or simply an intolerance developed through eating the same food over and over again until the body deems it to be ‘toxic’.
What the body is really saying in this instance is that it feels out of balance, and again, this is where Royal Jelly may be able to help.
According to website ‘Self Hacked’ Honey and Royal Jelly are both products of honeybees that have some similar effects on health. The flavonoids in both Royal Jelly and Honey carry antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing benefits so may provide support to help calm the gut and improve gut function.
By thinking of your body as a remarkable machine that requires premium fuel for optimal performance, then you start to understand how beneficial Royal Jelly can potentially be for your health. Kiwi Royal pure and premium Royal Jelly and Manuka Honey Blends are classified as a supreme superfood, rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and 8 of the 9 aminos that the body cannot produce, and must be ingested everyday to support optimal wellness.
Once you get your body balanced and your health and wellness under control, everything in your body begins to sort itself out, naturally. This could be the key to unlocking your world of weight loss, so consider talking with your healthcare professional and find out if Kiwi Royal could work for you.
- https://www.webmd.com/menopause/guide/menopause-hormone-therapy#1
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2529378/
- https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2018/4868412/
- Diabetes Statistics:https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318472.php
- Diabetes trial: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24610413
- https://myremedy.co.nz/health-conditions/digestion-gut/top-tips-for-a-healthy-gut/
- https://selfhacked.com/blog/royal-jelly/
Disclaimer: Vitamins and minerals are supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.
Weight loss takes time and effort to be successful. People should seek professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.